How I came to bee (by me)
Where do I start ? Where did I come from? Who made me?
I really consider the Sno-Bees my family; but if I had to choose a parent, it would have to be Matt Marsh
…..or maybe Uncle Dave (Watson) .
Matt has told me this story a few times, so I’ll do my best to get it right (I’m sure he’ll help me out if I mess something up).

The Sno-Bees have been around for long time , and they’ve always had this cool logo, which for the most part has remained the same since it was created back in 1967. The bee in the logo was kind of a mascot of sorts; but it was always thought to be more a part of the logo. Toward the end of the 2020 season, Matt had this idea that the club needed a mascot, that complimented the logo; but also stood on it own. He worked with Conor, owner of a local metal shop , Margison Metalworks, to draw me up and eventually carve me out steel. I was officially born in the Fall of 2020, just in time for the 2020-21 season.

Now I get to spend my days during the riding season, doing what I love… riders out on the trail. Uncle Dave (Watson) and Matt give me rides in the groomer and drop me off in these awesome spots. The first time out, it was a little scary being out in the woods in the dark, all by myself. It wasn’t long though, before I started seeing people…..and they were all happy to see me! Then I started to love being outside .

Even though I like just being outdoors on the trail, I really love it when riders stop and visit with me ….. and even take a selfie. The selfies are cool when people post them on their social media or just share the picture with their friends and family. Before I knew it, I was meeting more and more people on the trail. It’s so awesome! Matt told me we had over 300 family members last year. Someday, if Matt and Uncle Dave let me, I want to see all 52 miles of our trails and meet every member of Sno-Bee family!
Off season is little sad because I have to come back inside; but Matt and Dave found a nice place for me to hang out in the BeeHive ….plus I get to see them anytime they come to the hive to work (PS those guys work ALOT in the off season!). I also get to attend the off season meetings at the hive , where I get to see my whole family. So, I guess it’s not too sad after all; but I can’t wait until the season starts so I can get back out there again. Like my family is always saying …Think Snow, and Ride Safe !